Somerset County Council
Your County Councillor is: Gemma Verdon:
Your Member of Parliament is Marcus Fysh MP (Conservative)
who can be reached via email: or via his correspondence address: 21-22 High Street, Yeovil, BA20 1RF
Social Housing Updates - Any updates received from SSDC, Housing Associations etc will be published here by the Parish Council.
Combat Rural Crime
You can still pass on information via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. They never ask your name or trace your call.
Avon and Somerset Local Police Report Feb 2022
In response to recent incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB), criminal damage and vandalism in the parish, PCSO Gareth Allington provided Council with a written report for the 1st February 2018 Ordinary meeting of Council, as follows:
Somerset Choices Local care and services to help you choose the right care and support.