Your Parish Council is Tatworth and Forton Parish Council.
If you wish to speak to a Councillor or the Clerk please ring or email for an appointment.

Tatworth and Forton Parish Council is made up of 12 councillors, while holding a ‘public office’ they are all unpaid. Councillors are elected for a maximum term of office of 4 years, with the next election due in May 2023. Councillors only represent the residents of the hamlets of South Chard, Perry Street, Tatworth and Forton. Information about the powers and duties of parish (and town) councils can be found here.

Meetings are normally held on the first Thursday of the month, at 7.00pm in the main hall of the Memorial Hall Kents Road Tatworth TA20 2QA.

The Council is also responsible for organising the Annual Parish Assembly. This must take place between 1st March and 1st June (inclusive) every year. This is not a Parish Council meeting but a general public meeting at which electors are free to raise any topic that they wish.

The Parish Council has three Committees of the Council namely: the Finance & Personnel Committee, Amenities and Cemetery Committee. They meet less often than the full Council and discuss more detailed matters.

Outside Bodies

The Council also appoints Councillors to sit on certain outside bodies. They are there to represent the interests and views of the Council, and to report back to them.

Parish (town) Councils are the closest elected bodies to their communities. We have legal powers and duties to take action on behalf of our residents.

List of Parish Council Powers
Parish councils can provide facilities like:

Public clocks
Bus shelters
Community centres
Play areas and play equipment
Grants to help local organisations
Consultation on neighbourhood planning 

Somerset Council

Somerset Council 0300 123 2224 is responsible for services across the whole county like:

Fire and Public safety
Social care
Waste management
Trading standards 

Rubbish collection
Fly tipping
Council Tax collections
Planning applications
Elections and electoral registration

The County Councillors for our area is

Jason Baker

 Connor Payne